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The Authors

Danielle Smith & Aliza Sherman are creative collaborators and dynamic co-presenters. Their current books are Mom, Incorporated and Social Media Engagement for Dummies.



Danielle Smith

Connector, Social Media Thought Leader. High-profile Video Correspondent. Storyteller, Spokesperson and Speaker. Publisher of & Twitter: @daniellesmithtv Pinterest: DanielleSmithTV

Aliza Sherman

Web pioneer. Thought leader. Social media & mobile evangelist. High-profile international speaker. Published author of nine books. Avid blogger, podcaster. Find her at Twitter: @alizasherman Pinterest: alizasherman


Facebook: Savvy Social Engage

Twitter: @savvysocialYOU

Tumblr: SavvySocialEngage


Also find them both at, the Mom, Incorporated Facebook Page,  @momincbook on Twitter, and momincbook on Pinterest.

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