A social media campaign and tour from Aliza Sherman & Danielle Smith, authors of
Social Media Engagement for Dummies. Hashtag: #SavvySocial



Speakers +
TV & Radio Guests
Danielle & Aliza show you how to get smart about the ways you use technology & social media.
Social media engagement is a critical part of social media marketing.

Aliza & Danielle take a savvy & sensible approach to getting people to:

Social networks can be powerful communications, marketing and even sales tools but only if you provide real value, make real connections and cultivate real relationships with others.
Proud to be part of:
Proud to be part of:
Connect and ENGAGE!
About Aliza & Danielle
Danielle & Aliza hit the road for some Savvy Social Happy Hours.
Check out the photo albums from these events:

Find out more about the Savvy. Social. ENGAGE Tour!

Danielle & Aliza's new book covers the fundamentals, the principles and best practices of Social Media Engagement.
The content holds up even as the technology changes (as it always does).
Their New Book

Co-authors of 2 books!
In addition to Social Media Engagement for Dummies (Wiley), Aliza and Danielle are the authors of the book Mom, Incorporated (Sellers Publishing), a holistic guide to starting a business from home with children in the mix.
"Social Media Engagement isn't a quick hit. It isn't a get rich scheme. It is about being genuine and present to interact thoughtfully with your customers and prospects. It's about being human and real. No formula, no hype."